November 3, 2011

A friend in need is a friend in deed......

I'm just trying to avoid you in my life, as you wanted it
but the love you have showed me doesn't allow me to do that
we have been talking eachother open heartedly
we have shared our happiness and sadness
I have been happy with your friendship
you wanted to leave all your friends as someone broke your trust
It doesn't mean everyone you have trusted will break your heart
please don't avoid your friends like this
at this point of time, you require a friend with whom you can share your feelings
leaving everyone and staying alone will not cure you forever
I'm just concerned about your happiness in your life
I don't mind if you break our friendship or avoid me or scold me
but I would request you not break your friendship with your best buddies
Only your friends can cure you and make you comfort in your life
Please try to understand the importance of a friend in your life and act accordingly

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